丰田陆地巡洋舰300的轴距由特拉斯克加长了30cm,可达到 B6至Stanag Level II级防护水平。加长的轴距保证了车身后部有富余空间,为整合前排和后排乘客间

Armoring cage with A, B and C pillars and overlaps integrated in passenger cell
Special quality laminated safety glass produced by European glass manufacturers
1 or 2 armored batteries
Self-sealing fuel tank
Underbody protection panel against 2x DM51 grenades (optional)
Heavy duty wheels which are designed for a payload of 1600 kg
Body frame connection addapted
Reinforced door arresters and door hinges, directly mounted to the armoring cage
Gasspring, new doorstops and vinyl straps
Armored engine control unit
Threat |
Testlevel according to |
Classification by |
Stanag 4569 |
Comparable to* |
Type of Weapon |
Calibre |
Type of bullet |
Testcondition |
Standoff (m) |
Standard Hit Spacing |
7 |
PM 7 |
Level 1 |
BR 5 |
M16A2/Famas-G2 |
5.56 x 45mm |
FJ(2)/PB/SCP(1) |
10 +/- 0.5 |
3 shots on the vertices of a triangle @ 120 +/- 10mm |
BR 6 |
M80 Ball |
7.62 x 51mm |
FJ(1)/PB/SC |
( B6+ not classified) |
M16A1/Famas-G1 (M193) |
5.56 x 45mm |
FJ(2)/PB/SC |
8 |
PM 8 |
Level 2 |
7.62 x 39mm |
FJ(1)/PB/HCI(1) |
10 +/- 0.5 |
3 shots on the vertices of a triangle @ 120 +/- 10mm |
20mm FSP |
20mm |
Fragment |
1 shot in center of panel |
9 |
PM 9 |
BR 7 |
M61-AP |
7.62 x 51mm |
FJ(2)/PB/HC(1) |
3 shots on the vertices of a triangle @ 120 +/- 10mm |


特殊轮胎的有效荷载指数更高,达到1550kg,特拉斯克 LC200具有路面驾驶和越野驾驶双重性能。