直接来自德国不来梅特斯克制造商工厂的高级防弹车。基于 BMW X7。防弹等级 6 A-Kip(轻量化防弹防绑架概念,为您的安全而开发)。
改装时间约为 2-4 个月,取决于底盘车供货时间和选装配置。可根据客户要求提供多种选装和设备。也可以为客户提供的底盘车进行防弹改装。

Rear protection by ballistic partition wall behind rear row of seats
Large selected areas of the roof protected
Special quality laminated safety glass produced by European glass manufacturers
Ballistic Front & Rear door glass
Engine bay fire suppression system (optional)
Self-sealing fuel tank
Underbody Hand Grenade Blast protection (optional)
Special Run Flat Tyres (optional)
Front and Rear doors armored
ECU Protection
Threat |
Testlevel according to |
Classification by |
Stanag 4569 |
Comparable to* |
Type of Weapon |
Calibre |
Type of bullet |
Testcondition |
Standoff (m) |
Standard Hit Spacing |
4 |
PM 4 |
BR 4 |
357 S/W |
.357 Magnum |
FJ(1)/CB/SC |
10 +/- 0.5 |
3 shots on the vertices of a triangle @ 120 +/- 10mm |
44 S/W |
.44 Magnum |
FJ(2)/FN/SC |
6 |
PM 6 |
( B4+ not classified) |
PS Ball |
7.62 x 39mm |
FJ(1)/PB/SCP(3) |
10 +/- 0.5 |
3 shots on the vertices of a triangle @ 120 +/- 10mm |